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This charge apply only across india.

*What is the estimated delivery time?

We deliver product as fast as possible.
We order placed within 2 working days and Shipping Also.
Delivery Time maybe very according Delivery Location but we always prefer fast delivery system and est. time 3-5 working days After order place and shipped.

Prepaid Order Get Fast Delivery.[3-5 Working Days]

Are there any hidden costs (sales tax, octroi etc) on items sold by Shringaar ?

There are NO hidden charges when you make a purchase on Shringaar. List prices are final and all-inclusive.

Shringaar does not/cannot ship to my area. Why ?

Some Pincode not cover by shipping partner than issue facing by customer.
if your order place on Shringaar and payment paid or we don’t able to delivery of product at your location than Don’t worry we refund your amount in your account but it’s possible only some conditions who’s listed below :
1. Product out of stock
2. Delivery Not Possible at customer Location
*all rights reserved by Shringaar against refund policy.

Our Delivery Partner Provide Order Tracking Service. Track Your Order Login into My Account and Order Tracking Page.

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